Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Interview Two: Er Bear!! ((Erin Giddens))

1.       What is your name?  Erin Giddens
2.       Where were you born? San Diego,CA
3.       Where did you grow up? San Diego,CA What were your parent’s names and occupations?  Wash and Regina Giddens; business owner and Kaiser Call Center
4.       Do you have any siblings? Yes , Alicia
5.       What was your life like growing up as a black girl in San Diego?  Normal
6.       Did you ever encounter racism? Explain?  Yes, from whites and blacks. Not white washed enough for the whites and not black enough for the blacks.
7.       What privileges or setbacks do you feel that you experienced growing up a black female in the North/South?  I’m from the West Coast but I can see trying to get a job now even with a degree will be difficult because in TV Broadcast Journalist they want the typical white look.
8.       What, if anything, do you remember your parents telling you about race?  That because I’m Black I will have to be twice as good but to never use my race as an excuse not to succeed.

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