Boy! Boy! Boy! Today's class was quite....INTERESTING.. to say the least! At first the Women's Liberation Movement was the topic, but the remainder of the class was spent debating on the topic or (issue to some) of Black men dating white women. There were many mixed feelings, but I felt like hey everyone is entitled to their own opinion so I really wasn't appalled by anything said. However, I was a bit disturbed by one comment one of my classmates made, she angrily explained how she disagreed with all the discomfort felt by many of my classmates on the topic interracial dating, but I felt she shouldn't criticize them for their opinions, because they are all a result of personal experience and opinion. She later said how she had two brothers who were both married to white women and they had bi-racial children and I thought, "Well that is why you feel that way, look at your situation, bi-racial relationships have been a major component to your family". Im not downing her, just saying man, in the words of the best rapper in my eyes T.I. "IN ORDER FOR YOU TO UNDERSTAND MY TRAIN OF THOUGHT, YOU'LL HAVE TO PUT YOURSELF IN MY POSITION, YOU CAN'T EXPECT ME TO THINK LIKE YOU CAUSE MY LIFE AIN'T LIKE YOURS, YOU KNOW WHAT IM SAYING..IF YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND THAT YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND ENGLISH..IM DONE TALKING". No need to get mad home skillets... we re all INDIVIDUALS.. Just listen and take it in stride.. I do!! ::)... But anywho.. I digress. I don't have a lot of friends, but they majority that I do have are males and I'm the only girl with two brothers so my life has been primarily composed of men since birth. I never even thought anything about interracial couples until I came to college because it seemed to really strike a nerve with the black women around campus. I constantly heard moans and groans when a black athlete was seen with a white woman, who was usually in their opinion NOT cute. So I became curious as to the reasoning behind their choices and my discoveries were a little insulting to me, but honestly not surprising. One athlete I questioned (( I'm not going to blast the man)), is quite known for his interracial relationships with white women, so I asked him were white women his preference or were there other motives. It's funny because as soon as I asked did he like black women he was like "Hell yea, where they at? What's Up?" Which shocked the HELL out of me because I've NEVER seen this man with a woman of the same race as he!
After getting over my shock we continued the conversation. I will never forget what he told me that day. He said: I date white girls because they "KNOW THEIR PLACE". They know how to treat their man. They do whatever you tell them. After he looked at my disgruntled expression he began to explain further, "It's not that I don't like black girls, its just the black girls here ((OLE MISS)) that I don't like. They're all loud with smart ass mouths, they're nosy,and they're nothing but DRAMA!
I asked my older brother and his friends and they said the same thing ((except the part about them being at Ole Miss)). What I think is just the funniest thing are the reactions I get from black men on the issue of black women dating white men. Both my brothers and my cousins are disgusted (( in all seriousness)) by just the thought of this occurring. Its kind of baffling to me, But hey we do NOT live in a perfect world, IF we did I would have every pair of exclusive Jordans Mike came out with! ::)
#POW i couldn't have said it better.....the only things that bothers me is that black men will date white women but if a "SISTA" does it its a problem....what a contradiction *shrugs* it it what it is....this world isn't perfect so nothing surprises me.