Thursday, June 23, 2011

"necessary BUTseconday"- The woman of the Five Percent Nation

For My Criminal Justice 390 course "Intro to Gangs" we had to pick a specific gang  to do a research paper on.  I chose the Five Percent Naton, which is basically the same teachings as those that can be found in the Nation of Islam with a little twist added by its founder Clarence "13X" Smith.  What does this have to do with AAS 362, well I'll tell you.  When it comes to their women, they are treated as second class citizens.
"Women are often described as necessary but secondary.  They can become members of the Five Percent Nation, but only as child bearers relying on their GODS (( which is what the men of the organization are called)) for guidance and support.   The Woman is referred to as the moon, earth , or queen (moon because she revolved around her man, earth because she bore his seeds).  It is up to the woman to teach the children to continue Islamic tradition.  However, she is not trusted to carry this burden without supervision and control.  So she has to follow six rules, there are six of them altogether:  

1. The black woman is not to sell her physical composition for payment.  
2.The black woman is not to destroy or tamper with the god's star by using any form of birth control.
3. The black woman s not to have emotional affects with anyome but herman, regardless if they are devoted to Islam.
4. The black woman is to keep and obey the rules and regulations given by her man.
5. The black woman must reflect the light of god and relect it on her star.
6. The black woman must make sure her womb and vagina is clean before permitting her man to plant his seed  in her vagina. "

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