Thursday, June 2, 2011

Race.. What is it??

What is race?? The question that has plagued our country for centuries.  A social construct some say.. an identifier others.. but what does it mean to you?  In today's class discussion we had a heated debate on what race was.  Race to me is a social construct used as an identifier and also to demean one's social character.  For instance, just look at the words "white" and "black".  Whiteness represents purity, peacefulness, and cleanliness.  While blackness is thought of to represent dirty, impure, evil, and dark. 

When you include gender AND race, it gets even more iffy!

Simply put: Black women are depicted as very sexualized, loose, no inhibition having creatures while white women are thought of as fragile, pure, and innocent.  For example: the representations of these two in music videos.  Black women in hip hop music videos are deemed --> video hoes, while there isn't even a label put on white women in music videos!

But those are just MY opinions, you make your own judgements of what RACE is!

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