Thursday, June 9, 2011

"Aint I a Woman ?"

    "Ain't I  a Woman" these words proclaimed by Sojourner Truth could not have been more impactful to the rights of women both African-American and White during her time.  Fast forward to today, are these words still just as powerful??

I think so!!!!  

    I agree with Maria Stewart, that we are basically our own worst enemies.  Not all, but many black men degrade black women using them for nothing more than their personal sex objects.  They are not respected as a person, let alone a woman.  They are not valued for their knowledge, or personality, just their bodies.  Not to hand all the blame to the men, black women are very much at fault as well.  Instead of uplifting each other, often times they talk down upon each other, which I often time think is a result of jealousy.  However, they are not born with these traits, they are learned.  Their environments, home as well as away from home, play a major role in the way black women are portrayed and how they portray themselves.

What can be done to change the views placed upon black women??
Hmmm.... that answer is a very complex one!

   In my opinion one person cannot change a whole  two century's worth of doing!  We may be dead and gone before enough people start thinking about the issue enough to want to change it.  It is going to take knowledge and understanding to accomplish this feat! Maybe even a whole paradigm shift! Hopefully something gets done!!!!

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